13,000 Surgeries Cancelled: is it Time to Consider Private Medical Cover?

Jan 24, 2023

Protect Your Family with Health Insurance

The New Zealand public medical system is facing unprecedented challenges, with stretched staffing, under-resourcing, and long wait times for treatment. In the last two years, the number of people waiting more than four months for treatment has tripled from 8,153 to 26,800 and counting. Additionally, over 13,000 surgeries have been cancelled in the last 11 months, including life-changing cancer surgeries.

13,000 surgeries have been cancelled in the last 11 months

The situation is dire, and unfortunately, it is not likely to improve anytime soon. Some District Health Boards (DHBs) have even stopped performing elective surgeries, with Waikato hospital only performing cancer and urgent operations. This has left patients with two options: either go the private route and pay tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket for treatment, or risk getting no treatment or being on a waitlist that continually pushes them further down the list.

Failings of the public health system

This is a cause for concern among the public and healthcare professionals, as the delays may result in it being too late for successful treatments for some patients, not to mention the reduced quality of life for those on often 24-month waitlists that keep getting pushed out.

This is why medical insurance is now more important than ever. The public health system is failing, and patients are being encouraged to go private, meaning the private system is helping to pick up the slack. Private medical insurance protects your health and ensures that you will never have to make a financial decision when it comes to your health. If you need treatment for something major, you won’t have to jeopardize your quality of life or choose between paying for treatment and putting food on the table.

Benefits of insurance

There are different types of private medical insurance available, with the most basic being Base Cover. This provides coverage for major expenses such as surgeries, cancer treatment, and hospitalizations. With some surgeries costing over $100,000 and long wait times for treatment, this coverage is crucial for receiving the treatment you need in a timely manner. Cancer treatment is also an important aspect of this coverage, as there are often other drugs available that have a better prognosis, but are not covered by the public system. Insurance removes the need to find this money or to be a burden on your community by creating a funding page while everyone is struggling financially.

Medical cover can also include coverage for specialists and tests, doctor’s visits, and even vision and dental coverage. There are many options available to ensure that you and your family will never have to question whether you should get treatment due to money issues or be unsure of when you can receive treatment.

Now is the time to act for both you and your family

Our insurance expert, Cory, is available to answer any questions and help you review your current insurances.

Give him a call on 021 111 9277

or click here to book a meeting now

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